Tuesday, May 11, 2010

ECLIPSE: Chapter 2: Evasion

First, apologies for taking so long. I just had to take a break from the crappyness of this book. Plus, I had other books to read that I wanted to get to. But I'm back with regular updates so lets go, shall we?

CHAPTER SUMMARY: Bella and Edward make plans to see Renee much to Charlie's irritation. That's it. I'm torn between being bored and being pissed off at Bella

NOTES/THOUGHTS/REACTIONS: Bella is at school. She is also oddly cheerful (according to her, I don't see it). What could be causing this out of character cheerfullness she wonders? Could it be she's about to graduate? No. That would mean she was a regular teenager like everyone else and as we know, Bella is above being a regular teenager. I meanwhile am wondering why a person is debating with herself about why she's cheerful? Really? What human does that? Oh...
As she ponders this topic and never reaches a conclusion (therefore making me wonder why it was brought up in the first place as it's obviously not important) Bella joins Edward, Alice, Angela, and Ben at lunch. Angela is fretting about announcements and how it's such a chore to do. It really isn't that hard, but apparently she needs help and Bella offers. Not because she wants to help but because Charlie would approve. Nice. Also, in this Bella calls her mom by her first name out loud. Um...I thought she didn't refer to her parents by their first name out loud? Going against your rules again Meyer. Then Bella says she's free now and her friends immediately want to celebrate it. Bella starts getting annoyed when they talk about plans for celebration and somehow thoughts turn to Jacob Black. Once more we are treated with the "Bella is so selfless!" sthick. Too bad I don't believe it and think it's got more to do with guilt then with selflessness. Alice has a vision at the table but somehow no one notices.
Cut to after school and somehow Mike and Edward are talking about...what else? Cars. Because you know that's ALL boys talk about. God Meyer, think outside the box would you? How about movies? Or video games? Or their feelings but being guys they talk about feelings in a round about way. But no, all guys talk about are cars and sports in Meyers world. Not only is this sexist, it's stereotyping as well. Plus, I'm sorry, why would Mike think Edward would know anything about cars? When I think of Edward, car trouble knowledge is the last thing I think of. I love that even Bella thinks it's wierd that Edward is being NICE.
Bella and Edward drive home. Insert boring conversation here. Then there is awkward kissing scene. I don't know why but Meyer's "love" scenes just don't do it for me like it seems to do it for everyone else. Maybe it's because I realize that these two aren't really in love, or maybe it's because Meyer writes the kissing parts so clinically and then muddles it up with Bella's commentary. I'm sorry but if you're kissing someone and supposedly really into it, you don't constantly think while you're kissing. I think Bella is doing it wrong. Or Edward is doing it wrong. Or Meyer is just a lousy writer. Probably a combination of all of that.
After Bella answers emails and I even this to be condescending of her because of the things she thinks about her mother. I totally laugh at this:
I was a very different person from my mother. Someone thoughtful and cautious. The responsible one, the grown-up. That's how I saw myself. That was the person I knew.
From Eclipse, Chapter 2

First, HA. Thoughtful? Thoughtful, is THINKING OF OTHERS as wells as thinking of yourself. Bella does not do that. Cautious? Um...New Moon, anyone? Seriously, you would think she never rode a motorcycle or flew off to Italy without checking around first or thinking it through. Responsible? You have no responsibilities! Cooking dinner doesn't count, you just made that up on your own. Grown-up...you whine when things don't go your way or aren't happy about something, you don't look at things from other people's point of view, you put everything into black and white categories, you're bratty to your father who is worried about you. That is not being a grown up. I won't even go into how offensive I find it that Bella all but implies that her own mother is none of these things and is basically stupid. I admit Renee is on the flaky side but if she and Bella are these best friends like she keeps saying, she wouldn't belittle her mother like she does in her head.
Magically, Edward finds the plane tickets that she got for her birthday in New Moon and suddenly it's oh, lets go to Florida for the weekend! Like you don't have school finals to think about at all. But what am I thinking? These are Mary Sue and Gary Stu, they don't need to STUDY. Bella says no, even though she kind of wants too. Then they talk briefly about Alice's vision which was about Jasper...doing something that's not clear. Then they go down to join Charlie for dinner. I have to groan at this:
I wondered if Edward would have a problem with Charlie hanging out in La Push.
From Eclipse, Chapter 2

What. The. Hell? What right does Edward have to say anything about what Charlie does in his free time? Just because Bella lives by Edwards word and law doesn't mean Charlie does. Good lord. Plus, again, Charlie is an ADULT (that thing which Bella is NOT), and therefore can do whatever the hell he wants without Edwards say so. Then to further prove that he's manipulative and controlling, Edward brings up the subject of Bella's tickets to Charlie. See, he doesn't listen to what she actually says because she's a silly woman and therefore doesn't know what's good for her. Edward does, so he's going to go against her wishes regardless if she wants him to or not. This is everyone's idea of the perfect boyfriend?
Charlie seems open to the idea but then rightfully explodes at the thought of him and Bella going together. Not only do these two spend enough time together, in th real world would you let your teen daughter and her boyfriend go on a plane ride to a different state, on their own, when that boy broke her heart not so long ago? Yeah. Charlie is in the right. But of course, in Meyer's world, interfering parents are just being overbearing jerks and don't know what they're talking about. Bella blows up at her father and suddenly saying HE'S being the unreasonable one. I love how suddenly she's saying Renee is actually a authority figure when just a few pages ago, she was saying Renee was irresponsible. But that's not the point, right? Charlie's being unreasonable so Bella is reasoning with him. Now, excuse me but if Bella actually WAS the grown up she says she is, I would think that Bella would have realized Edward was being manipulative and conceded to her father or (this is the one I like) negotiated with her dad and said "how about I go on my own and Edward stays? Or I go with Alice?". But this never once crosses her mind because you know, Edward is always right. It gets even worse as Bella takes Edward out and he all but says he was a manipulative jerk and she LETS IT GO. UGH.
She goes back to Charlie and there's a pointless embarressing scene that goes no where. She decides to see Jacob and as she goes, Edward stops her. Just...jeez louise. I didn't think he could become more of a controlling jerk. Turns out I was wrong. He stops her from visiting and acts like he's being a good guy! Just...ugh! She lets him too! This...just...really? Chapter ends and thank god.

WORD LIST: buoyant (third offense usage, this DOES NOT MEAN CHEERFUL Meyer get that through your damn head), grandiose,
GENERAL ANNOYANCES: I felt the blood slither from my face.-What? Blood cannot slither because oh yeah, it's technically inanimate. Snakes slither. Blood doesn't. It certainly doesn't do it on the inside of someones face either.
Edward and the fact that everyone seems to think this guy is the perfect boyfriend.

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