So we start with Bella having lessons on how to ride her bike. I love how she questions Jacob when he knows about bike riding but she knows how much exactly? Oh yeah, nothing. She is utterly terrified yet she's doing this anyway. I have to roll my eyes at this:
I tried to tell myself that the fear was pointless. I'd already lived through the worst thing possible.
From New Moon, Chapter 8
Um Bella? You just got dumped. That is not the worst thing possible. I can think of people who have had it WAY worse then you. Have you ever seen a little movie called Precious? That girl had it way worse then you (I also hear it's a true story). Or say, the people who lived through Katrina, the Haiti earthquake, 9/11...yeah. You have in no way lived through the worst thing possible. Have a little perspective please.
Anyway, Bella starts the bike and falls. But joy! Rapture! She hears Edwards voice when she's being stupid! I'm sorry at this point I have to say, there is most definitely something wrong with this girl and she NEEDS THERAPY. But Meyer isn't going to admit there's issues with our heroine (that would imply she's not perfect) so instead, it's just maybe a little sad. Seriously, does this sound remotely healthy to anyone?:
Being reckless was paying off better than I'd thought. Forget cheating. Maybe I'd found a way to generate the hallucinations-that was much more important.
From New Moon, Chapter 8
Yeah, that is in no way a healthy way of thinking. I'm not even a licensed therapist and I'm picking up dangerous issues with this girl. That's not even going into the fact that she's hearing voices in her head and is HAPPY about it.
I am in no way surprised when crazy girl gets herself hurt. I can't even be further surprised that she's happy about that too. Jacob wisely says hell no when she wants to do more driving and once more I want to hug him. I swear, he's the only sane one in this damn book...apparently that doesn't last though which saddens me.
Jacob worries about her bleeding but Bella is too busy congratulating herself for being stupid. They go to her house (vivid description as she changes) and then she and Jacob talk and he takes her to the hospital...which um, he should of done FIRST but whatever.
Charlie actually buys the excuse they give him about her injury and once again I have shake my head at the bad parenting. I like Charlie but seriously? Bella goes home again and pointless scene with her having a nightmare. Later Charlie questions whether she should be in the garage and Bella lies to her father yet again. There is more foreshadow in talk of wild animals, and then she leaves. Then once again, Bella ticks me off by being an utter brat:
"Charlie's getting nosy," I complained to Jacob when I picked him up after school Friday.
From New Moon, Chapter 8
Well gee Bella, he's your DAD. Heaven forbid he act like one you ungrateful brat. I'm sorry but stuff like this is why I just cannot like this girl or feel remotely sorry for her. She acts so damn ungrateful when her parents worry over her or someone shows concern and acts like all these questions are so damn inconvenient. Yet, if they didn't act like she was the center of the universe she'd probably whine and complain about being ignored or how no one loves her. Plus, that was hardly being nosy. I know fathers who act way worse then Charlie does with Bella and frankly Charlie should be quesioning everything Bella does because this girl is seriously unstable.
Well, anyway, instead of bikes today Bella wants to hike. They stop off at the Blacks and have a chat with Billy and Bella once more acts like an ungrateful brat:
Charlie was not a hard person to live with, but it looked to me like Jacob had it even easier than I did.
From New Moon, Chapter 8
Um, I'm sorry what exactly is so hard about your home life? Oh yeah, NOTHING you brat! Ugh. Someone please tell me that the teenage generation today does not seriously act like this girl. If they do, then I weep for our future generations.
Well, Jacob and Bella go on their hike. Bella actually exhibets care for someone other then herself for a change and asks how things with Embry are. Things are still the same. More foreshadow about the wolves and hint that Jacob is not entirely human (when the cold doesn't bother him) and frankly I think Meyer is now getting ridiculous with the foreshadow. It's been mentioned in this chapter like four times. We get it Meyer, there are big bad things in the woods, Sam and his gang probably have something to do with it and it's going to involve Jacob. Can we PLEASE move on with the plot already? Because basically, Bella and Jacob find nothing and go home. Another pointless chapter. This book does eventually move forward right? Because I'm seriously bored to tears right now.
WORD LIST: No misused words, good job Meyer!
POSSIBLE EDITS: I complained to Jacob when I picked him up after school Friday-Should be I complained to Jacob when I picked him up after school ON Friday.
GENERAL ANNOYANCES: Bella and her bratty self.
"Trust me. I'm an easy bleeder."-What the hell?
Bella is so inconsistent its funny. Typical teenager though don't you think - thinking that being dumped is the worst thing on earth? im sure not all teenagers would react that way, but I think a lot would