Wednesday, October 6, 2010

BREAKING DAWN: Chapter 12-Some People Just Don't Grasp the Concept of "Unwelcome"

CHAPTER SUMMARY: Leah shows up and is treated like she's a horrible person, Meyer tries to use Carlisle to show that all of this is actually quite scientific and logical (it isn't), they decide to feed the demon baby blood.

You know, I am getting very tired of this demonization of Leah. Particularly as it makes no sense to me. Really, why does Jacob dislike her to begin with? Why does she dislike Bella to begin with? No genuine reason is given and the ones that are given make all the characters look extremely petty. So really the only conclusion I can draw is that it's actually MEYER who doesn't like Leah and so makes her the bad guy in all the characters head so the readers know we aren't supposed to like her either. Except I actually think for myself and therefore I like Leah. She's actually the only tolerable character in this stupid series for me.
The chapter opens with Leah showing up and Jacob is pretty much a childish asshole to her. You would think he would welcome the help but no, she's such an evil woman therefore he doesn't want her there. She doesn't want to be there either but due to Meyer's nonsensical compulsion thing she HAS to belong to a pack of some sort and Jacob is apparently the lesser of two evils. Please note, Meyer makes sure to say that she wasn't strong enough to break off and go it alone. Oh no, a strong female character able to lead her own pack? Can't have that. So no, she has to follow Jacob instead (who I personally see as weaker then Leah but somehow HE'S able to break off the compulsion to follow but you know, he's a man therefore it's okay for him).
So basically the first couple of pages are Jacob being an ass. It's very annoying. Especially when he's practically telling Leah what Seth feels about the situation and I'm sorry but who gave him the right to a) Tell personal feelings like that to his sister, and b) How does he even know that Seth feels that way? Being Alpha doesn't give you the right to speak for someone eles's feelings Jacob. Plus, even after figuring out Leah's feelings on the matter with Sam he still feels no sympathy for her or understands where she's coming from. In fact it almost feels like he sympathizes with SAM more because he had to put up with her. Tell me Team Jacob fans, why am I supposed to prefer him over Edward again? Because he's frankly turning into just as much of a sexist douchebag as Edward is.
Eventually he reluctantly agrees to let Leah stay (my how big of him) and then he goes to the house and ends up talking to Carlisle. What follows is more of Meyer's pitiful attempts to make this series scientific. Unfortunately all she ends up doing is making it more obvious that she did no research whatsoever and is literally making this up as she goes. I don't care how many chromosomes a person does or doesn't have, Meyer. When they are DIFFERENT SPECIES they CAN NOT PROCREATE so it's STILL impossible. Stop backing yourself into a corner and just say it's magic. Becausse this science talk is not helping you.
Then Edward and Jacob come up with a way to help Bella get better. Feed her fetus blood, therefore making Bella drink blood. I'm still confused about why exactly none of these guys seem to know what the fetus will be. Gee, Edward's a vampire and if he created it and it needs blood...I'm going to guess it's a vampire? Really, how stupid are you people? Plus, why are we so convinced it's going to be a guy?
Roselie is all for it, and so is Bella of course (she's so selfless remember, never mind that thing about her NOT BEING ABLE TO STAND THE SIGHT OF BLOOD). I also must say this whole thing reeks of more Pro-Life propaganda. I can practically hear Meyer going: "see, needs of the mother will be met when you meet the needs of the baby! That whole arguement is just sillyness!". Again, I have no problem with people who are Pro-Life. I just wish Meyer didn't cram such an obvious agenda into this in such an unsubtle and frankly ridiculous way.
Chapter ends with them deciding to feed Bella human blood to feed the fetus so she'll be okay. Hmm...sounds potentially icky. Maybe there's hope for this book after all.

WORD LIST: intravenously
GENERAL ANNOYANCES: Turn around before I rip out one of your hamstrings.-Why would you threaten someone with this? Most people don't even know what hamstrings are. Just say leg like a normal person.
Moving whisper-quiet as only a vampire could.-What the hell does whisper-quiet mean? Just say he moved quietly.

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