Oh look. Bella has found her place in school quickly. As with all Mary-Sues she has already made a whole bunch of friends and it's only her first week. Not just friends, she has two boys fighting over her! It is a problem for little Bella of course, she doesn't like it.
To be honest, I found the entire first half of this chapter unnecessary. The events could have been summed up in about two pages but it gets dragged on for like ten. This brings me to my next reason for disliking Twilight.
REASON TWO FOR DISLIKING TWILIGHT: Lack of editing and overuse of words and description.
Reportedly Meyer did not allow her publisher to let her story be edited and frankly, it shows. Many of these events are filler and not needed. We do no need to see Bella shopping. We don't need many of the other events of this chapter either. Her descriptions are also overdone and use way too many words. For instance, dense and opaque to describe clouds is silly. Just say it was cloudy and get it over with. I admit she has some good descriptions but honestly, she tends to go overboard. We don't need all these different descriptions of Edward and his family.
That said, lets move on with the boring chapter. Bella is obssessed with Edward already and he hasn't even spoken ten words to her yet. Makes a whole lot of sense that she would be obssessed already doesn't it? Not. Oh, there is another whine by the way.
WHINE #15: Wind kept me up and I couldn't sleep even though it was actually probably just me thinking about Edward all night.
I also am getting really irritated with all these assumptions Bella makes about Forks, such as this one:
In a town like this, where everyone lived on top of everyone else,
diplomacy was essential.
From Twilight, Page 31
WHERE does she get this idea from? She has lived in Forks a grand total of TWO DAYS. I have yet to see any strong evidence of this. Meyer just uses these small town stereotypes and I have to say it's very annoying. If she maybe backed up all these claims, I wouldn't mind so much but all we get is Bella's view on the town and I have to say, Bella's view on Forks is very warped.
Anyway, after Bella goes to school, we see her spot the Cullens again and notes again, how beautiful they all are. We even get this lovely tidbit from her about how even though the Cullens are all beautiful and rich, they somehow aren't accepted.
It seemed excessive for them to have both looks and money. But as far as I
could tell, life worked that way most of the time. It didn't look as if it
bought them any acceptance here.
No, I didn't fully believe that. The isolation must be their desire; I
couldn't imagine any door that wouldn't be opened by that degree of
From Twilight, Page 32
Oh, THAT isn't a superficial statement at all. I'm sorry, people say this girl is DEEP? Nice message you're sending here Meyer: beautiful and rich people are ALWAYS going to be accepted no matter what. If they are not, it's because they don't want to be. Please.
Then we see Bella go shopping where we see this puzzling statement:
It was nice to be inside a supermarket. It felt normal.I'm sorry but what? Bella has led a perfectly normal life up until this point. Beyond mean Edward, she has no reason to crave normalacy. Now AFTER she gets to know Edward and his ilk, then yeah this would make sense. EDIT Meyer.
From Twilight, Page 32
Next we see that Bella has worried e-mails from her Mom, and naturally this is annoying. Heaven forbid a mother worry about her daughter, although I will agree that it is a bit excessive on Renee's part. The girl only got there yesterday woman, give her time to breath and settle in.
I must comment on the part where Bella reads Wuthering Heights. FOR FUN. Okay, I love to read. Wuthering Heights is a very good book. But do you know ANYONE who would qualify that as a "for fun" book? I certainly don't. Once was kind of enough for me. Cause that book? A whole lot of depressing stuff going on. It is also not the romantic book that people make it out to be. The most romantic part is when Catherine DIES, hello. I guess Meyer is trying to make Bella seem deep and intellectual but really to me, this just implies that this girl could possibly be a masochist.
Then we see Bella and Charlie have dinner and oh look, Charlie likes the Cullens too. But I'm sorry, has he ever MET the Cullens? Had the oppurtunity? Considering they're rich and he's the police chief, I doubt it but maybe he has. As it has been drilled into our heads over and over, Forks is a small town. I must also say that once again, if the family has been in a place for TWO YEARS, they are not newcomers.
Then there is talk of Bella's week. She accepts an invitation to a beach even though she doesn't want to go. She is sure she won't like it of course.
WHINE #16: Beaches should be hot and dry. She complains about this when SHE HASN'T BEEN THERE YET. ;shakes Bella;
WHINE #17: Ew snow. Why does everyone here like it so much? Losers.
Oh look, Edward is back. Insert another description here.
We see Bella and Edward make awkward small talk. Which is really all the dialogue in the book but with these two it is especially grating. We also discover that naturally Bella was in AP science back home (she is a Mary-Sue, this is to be expected). Bella, I'm betting the teacher was grumbling because he's wondering why you didn't just sign up for the AP courses in Forks too. Don't give me the Forks is small excuse either, most high schools, if not all have AP courses. So Bella is just in this class because it's a convenient way for her to interact with Edward.
More awkward small talk with Edward who of course, TOTALLY gets where Bella is coming from. I do so love this part:
"You put on a good show," he said slowly. "But I'd be willing to be that
you're suffering more than you let anyone see."
From Twilight, Page 49
WHAT THE HELL? This girl just MOVED. That is all. The way he's talking, you'd think she had lost a parent or something. Let me tell you something Edward. Teenagers move all the time. Some of us don't actually get a say in the matter like miss Bella here. Some of us move to completely strange environments where we don't have a Dad waiting for us it's the whole family moving. We know nothing about the place and do not have people welcoming us with open arms. There are also teenagers who do this multiple times a year. I've had to do it. In fact, I completely changed timezones. I had to move from the east coast to the midwest. In the middle of eighth grade too. I also know teenagers who have suffered ten times worse then poor Bella. So sorry if I don't feel an ounce of pity for little emo Bella.
Awkward small talk finally ends and Bella spies Edward laughing in the parking lot. Call the presses. This ends the long and pointless chapter. At least this chapter wasn't as whiny and as bad as the first one. But again, half of it was not needed.
WORDS A TEENAGER WOULD NEVER SAY: opaque, chivelrously, woolgathering, cursorily, ocher.
MARY-SUEISM: Duh, I was in an AP course. I don't know why I'm in a regular course NOW though.
I know how to make steak and potatoes even though I'm only a teenage girl.