Wednesday, November 3, 2010

BREAKING DAWN: Chapter 17-What do I Look Like? THe Wizard of Oz? You Need a Brain? You Need a Heart? Go Ahead. Take Mine. Take Everything I Have.

CHAPTER SUMMARY: Jacob mopes and angsts then surprise! Baby comes. I meanwhile am trying to figure out what's up with that chapter title.

We start where we left off: with Jacob angsting some more. Yay. Because we haven't had enough of that in this book. He takes off in Edward's super expensive fast car (which is like what, the sixth or seventh car mentioned that these guys own? No one needs that many cars). Like everyone else in this series he speeds yet manages to not get in an accident or get caught by the cops. Edward has his Gary Stu powers, what's Jacob's excuse for avoiding these pitfalls?
Where is Jacob going you ask? Well, he's decided he wants a soulmate to imprint on of his very own. Never mind that in the past he has (rightfully so) stated that imprinting bothers him and feels like it takes peoples free will and isn't fair (it isn't). But never mind that! Meyer apparently feels it's totally understandable that he is now searching for a girl to imprint on. For the record, it isn't understandable. In fact, it's a little disturbing.
Even more disturbing then when Jacob decides to do his soulmate hunting in a kids park. What the hell? Pedophile behavior anyone? Don't get me started on how he takes up two handicapped parking spaces. I hate people that take two spaces diliberately and it's even worse that they are handicapped. But I guess since Jacob is in a bad mood I'm supposed to excuse his disrespectful behavior. Whatever.
Then a girl shows up and somehow comes to the conclusion that Jacob stole the car. Why on earth would she think this? Yeah, he took two parking spaces. But that doesn't scream criminal (I know jerks who do this simply because they can and don't want their precious vehical near other cars). Oh wait, let me guess, he's a minority so he couldn't possibly have afforded such a car on his own. I do want to give Meyer the benifit of the doubt on this, but something tells me this was her thinking.
Then after accusing him of being a thief with no basis for it, she starts ohing and ahing over it. Really? Though I am mildly surprised that Meyer is having a girl know about cars but that pleasant surprise is ruined by Jacob being totally stunned that a girl knows something about cars. Newsflash Jacob/Meyer, girls knowing about cars is actually not an unusual thing. Talk to my over fifty mother sometime, she probably knobws more about cars then my Dad does (and he has no problem with this either or the fact that she's ;gasp!; into sports, imagine).
This pointless conversation doesn't really go anywhere nor seem to serve any purpose. Jacob briefly imagines a whole scene with them dating (who does that with a person THEY JUST MET AND DON'T EVEN KNOW THEIR LAST NAME?) and makes more disturbing inner commentary. Then suddenly he decides to go back to the Cullens (and somewhere along the way accepts Seth and Leah as pack...I think that's what that commentary was supposed to be about anwyay...).
He arrives and finds out that apparently while he was gone Leah told off Bella about the way she was treating him. This of course greatly upset pur wittle Mary Sue and thus all the Cullens because heaven forbid someone actually tell Bella she's in the wrong about something (even when she is in this case). Even Jacob is irritated with her even though she was DEFENDING HIM. Personally, I say bravo Leah, bravo.
But enough about the harpy, Meyer quickly moves onto yet another Bella is so selfless, fragile, whatever scene. I'm so sick and tired of these! Turns out her baby is ready to be born...or at least I think that was what was going on. I was too busy rolling my eyes through the corny dialogue so I may have missed a thing or two.

WORD LIST: none for this chapter
GENERAL ANNOYANCES: treatment of Leah yet again
More ridiculous expensive cars for the Cullens
More Bella is so wonderful scenes that make me gag

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