Wednesday, November 3, 2010

BREAKING DAWN: Chapter 18-There are No Words for This

CHAPTER SUMMARY: Baby is born, Jacob imprints. Big shocker.

This is going to be a brief review because my mind is still boggling at the absurdity and slight backwards thinking in this chapter. Long story short: baby is born in a really messy bloody birth scene that is enough to make any girl not want to get pregnant like EVER. Seriously, I thought super religious people saw birth as a beautiful event that was a gift from God or whatever? We know that Meyer is very religious so what's up with this rather disturbing birth scene? Kind of makes you wonder if she actually thinks birth is horrible or something...
Now the backwards thinking I'm referring too is that why exactly is Meyer perfectly comfortable writing a bloody scene where a baby is ripped from her mother's stomach, yet she's not comfortable writing a sex scene? Does that seem weird to anyone else? I know she's Mormon and they have this thing about porn or whatever but I was also under the impression they had a thing about bloody violent scenes and therefore they can't watch rated R movies? Let me tell you: this scene? Definitely Rated R material. So really, what gives?
Well, after baby is born, Jacob mourns Bella (thinking she's dead but as there's HALF A BOOK LEFT STILL she's obviously still alive) and then we get treated to yet another character turnaround where he decides he's going to kill the baby girl (now dubbed Renesmee which has to be one of the worst baby names for a fictional character I've ever seen. Even Albus Severus from Harry Potter is going WHAT?). Couple of disturbing pages of him planning his mode of attack. Roselie comes out with the baby, their eyes meet, and bada bing bada boom he's imprinted on the baby. His part in this story pretty much ends there. The assasination of Jacob Black's character is now officially complete. Congrats Meyer, you utterly ruined the one good male character you had in this series. Pat on the back and all as I'm sure that was your intention because he was competing with your honey Edward too much.
If that isn't bad enough, I clicked next page on my Kindle after this only to find the following: Book Three-Bella.


Thought we got rid of her? Damn it, Meyer!

WORD LIST: None for this chapter (but I'm sure there'll be tons of fun ones in Bella's part to make up for it)
GENERAL ANNOYANCES: The assasination of Jacob Black's character.

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't agree more with you. Meyer has this way of totally butchering characters that are mildly interesting and that could be awesome; Jacob's was a slow death.
    And Renesmee?! Seriously?! What te hell's wrong with Bella?! (Well, several things, but I won't go there.)
    Hehe, I'm glad to finally see someone admitting the name Albus Severus is awful.
