Wednesday, June 23, 2010

ECLIPSE: Chapter 15-Wager

CHAPTER SUMMARY: Meyer continues her mission to ruin Jacob's character as well as Charlie's character. Not much else happens.

We left off on the so not shocking confession of Jacob saying he loves Bella. But for some reason this actually DOES shock her and she's speechless. I'm sorry, how DUMB is this girl? She never once thought "oh, all that posturing with Edward is because he's jealous!" I mean what the hell? You'd have to be absolutely stupid not to realize the guy DIDN'T have a thing for you. Unless the girl has been living on her own without civilization her whole life there is no way a girl could NOT know that Jacob liked her. Meyer is just being DUMB with this. She is trying to make Bella look like an innocent party in all this and that she did not in fact lead Jacob on, it was just all Jacob's fault. Please Meyer. If Bella is as intelligent as you say, she knew exactly what was going on. Therefore you trying to make her out to be an innocent little lamb (who by the way a few chapters ago was pratically begging for sex so she's obviously not TOTALLY naive like you're trying to make her out to be all of a sudden) does NOT WORK.
But Jacob says he knows Bella doesn't feel the same and I thought okay, but then he goes into pressing her about how she feels about him. If he supposingly accepts she doesn't feel the same, he would've just said his peace so Bella knew and then left. But then that would make him out to be better then Edward and we can't have that, can we? So Meyer continues what seems to be the main purpose of this book: ruin the few good characters she actually has. She's done it with Roselie and Jasper and now it's Jacob's turn. Jacob continues to press Bella about his feelings, even at some point makes out the way he's feeling to be HER FAULT. Granted, I do think she had something to do with it this time, but this is classic sexist behavior: all those sexual dangerous feelings are always women running around in their track suits. It's always the woman's fault!
Then Meyer goes in for the kill: she has Jacob forcefully kiss Bella and she doesn't enjoy it one bit and then after punches him but ends up breaking her hand. Um, first...what? How the hell do you break your own hand punching someone? Give me a break. Even worse then this stupidity, is this:
"Ow! OW!" I screamed, frantically hopping up and down in agony while I clutched my hand to my chest. It was broken, I could feel it.
Jacob stared at me in shock. "Are you all right?"
"No, dammit! You broke my hand!"
"Bella, you broke your hand. Now stop dancing around and let me look at it."

From Eclipse, Chapter 15

WHAT. THE. HELL? SHE broke her hand? YOU are the one who FORCEFULLY KISSED HER and you're blaming her own broken hand that she got from retaliating ON HER? Just...every time I think this series can't get more does. What's even worse is that if another author had been writing this he/she would have known this was not Jacob's character AT ALL. Like I said before he would have just had his say and then left to let Bella think about it and respected her decision. He certainly wouldn't have forced himself on her like this and then treat her injury that she got from retaliating like it was HER FAULT. But Meyer is Team Edward all the way. As far as she's concerned any possibility that Bella and Edward aren't the One True Couple every couple should aspire to be is horrible and therefore must be eliminated. So therefore all guys who have a romantic interest in Bella basically get their characters ruined in ways that the author will think make it so Edward looks like the far superior choice even though he's actually not that much better.
This also serves to make all Jacob's good points about the flaws in Bella and Edward's relationship obsolete because as it's coming from a jealous guy it has no merit (in Meyer's eyes anyway). Because after this Jacob goes on to point out flaws and how Bella has never even tried to be happy with him but because of this incident Bella basically doesn't listen to him (not that she did before, but now it might as well be Meyer saying the reader shouldn't listen to these outlandish claims either).
Jacob takes Bella home and even more further attempts are made to ruin Charlie's entire character:
"Why did she hit you?"
"Because I kissed her," Jacob said, unashamed.
"Good for you, kid," Charlie congratulated him.

From Eclipse, Chapter 15

Again, I say WHAT. THE. HELL? What Charlie actually would be saying is (in very dangerous voice) "and just why were you kissing my daughter when she apparently didn't want to be kissed?" Because that's what he really should have said but Meyer has decided Charlie is now a jerk as well because he's not all for Bella and Edward and therefore is now doing her best to make him into worst father ever but it doesn't work because in the first book and second book it's pretty clear he's actually a pretty cool guy. I mean I'm sorry, isn't he a cop? A cop would have been all over this in a second. Also, I thought Bella was complaining that he was overprotective? If he's overprotective he would have been upset about a guy kissing his daughter against his will right? But apparently I think too much and should just accept Meyer's word that we should now not like these two at all.
Then Edward arrives and there's more machoman "my dick is bigger then yours" moments between he and Edward. I so love this:
"if you return her to me in less than perfect condition that I left her in, you will be running with three legs."
From Eclipse, Chapter 15

Before all you Team Edward fans melt in the pile of goo Meyer expects you too, really look at that sentence for a minute. If you insert any object name into ther her parts the idea would still be the same. Basically, it's like Bella is a possession that Edward has and he's mad it's been damaged or it's like she's a toy the two idiots are fighting over. Also please notice that once again through all this Bella just stands there and lets Edward fight her battles. Where's that "I want us to be equals thing?
The title chapter turns out to be a pretty insignificant thing about a wager that Emmett and Jasper made so this chapter needs another title. Then Carlisle fixes Bella's hand and we get her prattling on about what being a vampire will be like. I'm sorry, she's JUST NOW THINKING ABOUT THIS? But of course, she thinks, it'll all be worth it and goes into how much she is sacrificing for it but considering all that stuff she's sacrificing she doesn't care about, it once more falls flat. End chapter.

GENERAL ANNOYANCES: Meyer purposely ruining characters so the reader will end up having no choice but to prefer Edward and Bella.
The complete and utter SEXISM going on with Jacob basically saying what happened was Bella's own fault.
How the hell do you BREAK A HAND by punching someone?

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