The chapter opens up with Leah and Jacob going on patrol. Now actually there is some decent stuff going on here. I do find the conflict with Jacob and Seth and Leah a slightly interesting. But of course that's all quickly turned into rage inducing once Seth leaves. Because it then turns sexist. Yes, even more sexist then before.
See, first Leah talks with Jacob about Sam and it actually is good at first, even if I still find that apparently Leah shouldn't have expected any kindness simply because she wasn't handling her rough situation well. Then Leah comments that she understands where Roselie is coming from and the conversation turns to babies. See, turns out Leah can't have kids because she's a werewolf. Now this part is not the rage inducing part. What's rage inducing is apparently Leah (aka Meyer speaking for Leah) thinks that just because she can't have kids that means there's something "wrong" with her. That's she's not a woman. No. I'm serious. Here's a telling quote if you don't believe me:
Of course I remembered Leah's panic that first month after she joined the pack-and I remembered cringing away from it just like everyong else. Because she couldn't be pregnant-not unless there was some really freaky religious immaculate crap goin on. She hadn't been with anyone since Sam. And then, when the weeks dragged on and nothing turned into more nothing, she'd realized that her body wasn't following the normal patterns anymore. The horror-what was she now? Had her body changed because she'd become a werewolf? Or had she become a werewolf because her body was wrong? The only female werewolf in the history of forever. Was that because she was as female as she should be?
From Breaking Dawn, Chapter 16
Excuse me, Meyer but please do not tell me you are trying to say what I'm pretty sure you're trying to say here. Please do not tell me you honestly think that a woman's worth is based solely on her being able to have children. That if she can't have children that means she's not a true woman. Just please tell me you are NOT THAT IGNORANT or SEXIST. For godsakes, I thought this sort of thinking went out the window DECADES ago. Apparently not. To the young impressionable girls reading this crap: DO NOT BUY IT. It is crap. A woman's worth is not solely tied up in her ability to have kids. You know who likely came up with that theory? MEN. Men who wanted to blame women for the fact that THEY couldn't have kids because there was something wrong with THEIR sperm. God, just when I think this series can't get anymore horrible.
Then there's the fact that she's all but implying that you are less of a woman if you can't or don't have kids. So me and several other women I know are apparently not women because we are a) not married, and b) don't have kids (and in my case not sure if I even WANT kids). All those women who can't have kids due to difficulties with in their bodies and probably had to deal with emotional stuff for it? You can't have kids because it means you're not a "real" woman. God, this is such BS. I can't believe a publisher/editor left this in here and didn't look at her in disgust. My only explanation is that only one or two other people actually read through it and those few people were her "yes maam" people who bow to her every whim and therefore didn't call her on this blatant sexism. UGH.
The chapter continues to get more horrible. Jacob makes more disgusting jokes at Roselie's expense. Then goes to see Bella and then suddenly oh look, Edward can hear the babies thoughts now! It what is more obvious pro-life propaganda, he hears the baby's thoughts and falls in instant and utter love. He is now completely on Bella's side and chapter ends with him kicking Jacob out of the house. Give me a break. The baby is inside Bella's womb. They wouldn't be having any thoughts beyond "hungry". Once again, Meyer proves she slept through biology class.
WORD LIST: none for this chapter
For a second I thought she was making a jok that was in very poor taste.-EXCUSE ME? You're worried about Leah making a joke in poor taste? You? The guy who makes dumb blonde jokes at the expense of Roselie and excuse it because you think she's a bitch? Hypocrite, thy name is Jacob Black.
None of us wanted to deal with that breakdown. Obviously, it wasn't like we could empathize.-So just because you couldn't empathize that's supposed to exuse you guys for being utter asses to her? I don't think so. This also disputes your claim a chapter or two ago where you said you did actually try to deal with Leah because it's very obvious from this and evidence in other books that you didn't.