Thursday, October 7, 2010

BREAKING DAWN: Chapter 13-Good Thing I've Got a Strong Stomach

CHAPTER SUMMARY: Bella drinks blood and then there's talking amongst the pack. Amen.

Remember how I thought maybe the blood thing would actually be interesting? I take it back. It's just as boring as the rest of this pointless book. In the beginning Jacob finally gains some insight into what Leah must be feeling by watching Bella and Edward:
I knew what it was like for Leah, having to see that all the time. Having to hear it in Sam's head. Of course we all felt bad for her, we weren't monsters-in that sense, anyway. But I guess we blamed her for how she handled it. Lashing out at everyone, trying to make us all as miserable as she was.
From Breaking Dawn, Chapter 13

I want to call a big bullshit on Jacob. You say you felt bad for her? That's funny, this is the first instance I've seen you actually empathize with her situation. Also, if the pack actually did feel bad for her, they certainly didn't show it. Need proof? See all the previous chapters of Breaking Dawn and Eclipse that have Leah in it. She's demonized and made out to be a big bitch and not one of you (Bella or Jacob or the pack or even her own BROTHER) expressed sypathy for her situation.
Then there's the fact that her lashing out is actually very reasonable. Look at her sitaution for a minute, as hard as I know this is for you selfish characters. First, the guy she loves suddenly dumps her and says "Oh yeah I'm in love with your cousin, who is also your best friend! But I can't help it, it's imprinting." Assuming Sam even took the time to explain the imprinting thing to her. I'm betting he didn't. Then your supposed best friend/cousin decides to not care one bit about your feelings and not only date him and have big wedding, she invites you to the wedding and everyone expects you to just suck it up and be happy for them.
Then you suddenly start feeling wierd and start turning into a wolf and probably no one in La Push helped you through it because you're female, why on earth would you be a wolf? Then when they do figure out you're a werewolf you're treated like an unnatural being because women aren't supposed to be wolves. If that isn't bad enough, the guy who dumped you is now your leader and you not only have to deal with him but hear his thoughts, most of which have to do with the girl he dumped you for. Plus you have to put up with a bunch of guys who very obviously don't think you belong there and treat you like crap. Yet, Jacob thinks she handled this poorly? I personally think she handled it as well as anyone could. But of course, she's not Bella therefore she's not perfect, therefore she's treated like SHE'S the problem. Have I mentioned I hate this series?
To top it off, Bella is shocked about Leah being there going "but she hates us!". Okay, yeah Leah has shown dislike but where did we get the impression she hated Bella? THEY'VE NEVER INTERACTED BEFORE. I'm tired of Meyer telling us but not showing us and not giving us good reasons for the things she's telling us.
So Roselie and Carlisle bring Bella blood in a sippy cup and the girl who in the first book fainted at one little drop of blood not only says it smells good but drinks it down with no problem. Consistancy with character once again ignored for Meyer's convenience. Then we have another scene meant to show us how selfless Bella is (she isn't) and then wolves from Sam's pack show up to discuss things with Jacob. This is not as exciting as it sounds.
Basically Jacob does a lot of talking with the three wolves that Sam set out in the hopes to negotiate. He sends Jared, Quil, and Collins. For those who have no clue who Jared and Collins are, they are new members who must have joined up recently but they're so unimportant Meyer never takes the time to describe them to us or give us any info on them. Lovely.
Sam tries to lure Leah and Seth back and it naturally doesn't work. Once again, Leah is belittled during this. Why Jared and the pack think that will work I don't know but considering their douchebag behavior in the past I'm not surprised. So long boring conversation short, the three of them don't return and chapter ends with them leaving. Once again, nothing happens and I'm bored. God what a waste of money and paper this book is.

WORD LIST: lank, whir
GENERAL ANNOYANCES: Roselie darted downstairs after a second, flying through the room like a sharp breeze.-How can a breeze be sharp?
I mumbled in a weak rim-shot impression.-Huh? I don't get this. What's a rim-shot impression? Anyone?
The faint, soundless shimmer in the air.-Shimmer never makes sound. This is redundant and a fragment sentance.

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