Friday, October 15, 2010

BREAKING DAWN: Chapter 14-You Know Things Are Bad When You Feel Guilty For Being Rude to Vampires

CHAPTER SUMMARY: Um...once more NOTHING HAPPENS. Unless you count Jacob being an ass to Roselie yet again.

This is going to be a pretty short commentary because frankly nothing happened. Twenty pages of Jacob babbling on and arguing back and forth with various people, and Meyer making sure we understand that we are not supposed to like Roselie and that Bella is utterly selfless. Same old, same old, blah, blah MOVE ON ALREADY.
Seriously, if I were a publisher and this book got past my desk into stores, I'd be horrible embarressed by it. Because you can't tell me this is a book to be proud of. It's crap. Lots of bad wording, pointless scenes over and over again, and frankly horrible characters. I mean the first three were bad, don't get me wrong, but at least you got the feeling that Meyer was at least TRYING. Here, it's like she thought "well, this is going to make gobs of money anwyway and my fans will love anything I write so I'm not even going to bother trying to make it good." Don't even try and tell me she didn't think that, or something very similar. It's a horrible attitude to have as well. If you want an excellent example of how to end a popular series, look at Harry Potter and Hunger Games.
Now, I know a lot of readers complained about the last books of these series, but even if you maybe weren't happy with the end, they were still very good. In Deathly Hallows, Rowling had excitement and character developement. Was some of it a tad long? Sure, but even in the stuff that was long, she revealed things like character developement, world building, and even what was going on in the other side. I was never outright bored with it like I am with this ridiculous book.
Then there's Mockingjay. I know a lot people likewise didn't like how she handled the love triangle but it was still excellent. I personally never cared about the romance I cared about the war and Collins was not afraid to off popular characters (likewise with Rowling in HP) and she still made it interesting.
I get NONE of that from this boring book. If I were a Twihard at this point I'd be saying to myself "I waited a year for THIS?!" and Meyer wonders why fans weren't happy with her after it ended?
My other rant from this chapter is Jacob's treatment of Roselie and how apparently I'm supposed to find this funny. He is downright insulting to her. Look, I'm no fan of Roselie, but I'm no fan of Jacob's either. He has no right to tell dumb blonde jokes to her face and treat her the way he does. I also find it telling that most of the blonde girls in this series are treated like their bitches. For instance, Bella's unreasonable hatred of Lauren who just simply has the audicity to not like her automatically. Although it starts to make sense when you go to Meyer's website and look it up. She apparently dislikes blondes. I personally find it dumb to dislike people based on hair color alone but this is Meyer we're talking about so I'm not totally surprised and in further proof that these "characters" are really just mouthpieces for Meyer to fullfill her wishes, they don't like blondes either and get away with treating them horribly.
Other then the stupid blond joke and more of "Bella's so selfless!" there really isn't anything else to comment on other then, once again, it's BORING. There's also a scene with Alice that is more foreshadow about Jacob and the baby.

WORD LIST: condesation
GENERAL ANNOYANCES: The treatment of blonde girls in this series
Edward sat at the other end of the couch with Bella's burrito'ed feet in his lap.-Yes, this is seriously in here. Bad description Meyer and burrito'ed isn't a word. This made me think that her feet had somehow been made into burritos or something.

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