Saturday, November 13, 2010

BREAKING DAWN: Chapter 20-New

CHAPTER SUMMARY: Bella becomes a super awesome vampire! That's about it.

When Bella wakes up we're treated to how uber special her senses have become. Cue lots of heavy description. Here's a brief example of what we're "treated" too:
Behind the light, I could distinguish the individual grains in the dark wood ceiling above. In the front of it, I could see the dust motes in the air, the sides the light touched, and the dark sides, distinct and seperate. They spun like little planets, moving around each other in a celestial dance.
From Breaking Dawn, Chapter 20, that's a lot of description to describe...dust. Don't get me started on how apparently it's very pretty. Give me a break. Then suddenly we're treated to how she doesn't need to breath yet breaths anyway and somehow that lets her taste everything in the air...just, what? How on earth can you taste anything in the air? Meyer continues to make no sense whatsoever. Oh, and somehow despite the fact that she's in a place where she just gave a bloody birth the air tastes just wonderful and is just as super awesome as the really pretty dust. Whatever.
Then Bella gets up and all the family is cautious. She focuses and Edward and if you thought her waxing poetic was bad before? It's ten times worse now. See, apparently all of that pales in comparison to seeing him when you're a vampire. He's even more perfect and wonderful now. How blind she was! Gag me with a spoon. Proof of how bad it is:
I could not answer immediately, lost as I was in the velvet folds of his voice. It was the most perfect symphony, a symphony in one instrument, an instrument more profound than any created by man.
From Breaking Dawn, Chapter 20

Yeah, like I said before, give me a break. Oh, and how exactly does a voice have velvet folds? It's SOUND.
I have to say, for a newborn, Bella is remarkably coherent. She says that human emotions would come back later but she's feeling them now as she worries about Charlie and Jacob so that discredits that idea really quick. She also still feels the very human emotions of lusting after Edward's beauty so I call shenanigans on Meyer. Bella is still perfectly all right. A fact that is told to us a page or so later. Turns out Bella's such a wonderful controlled person that apparently this makes it so she's not as out of control as other newborns. Or other some such rot. Either way we're basically told: Bella's super awesome so of course the bloodthirst doesn't make her a monster! Now enjoy as she becomes a super special vampre! Ugh.
Then if this lame explanation isn't bad enough, Alice shows up with a mirror for some wierd reason and Bella sees herself in the mirror and OMG! she's so beautiful guys! Cause you know, she was so plain before ;rolls eyes;. Oh no, wait...there apparently is one little flaw: her upper lip is slightly out of balance. Big whoop.
Oh and apparently Edward still can't hear her mind. Can't have that, can we?
She leaves with Edward, Jasper, and Alice to go hunt. End revolting and uninteresting chapter.

WORD LIST: sinously, concerted
GENERAL ANNOYANCES: Getting cheated out of Bella being a bloodthirsty vamp
This whole chapter basically is saying Bella is super awesome now that she's a vampire over and over again. Yack.

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