Wednesday, December 30, 2009

TWILIGHT: Chapter 21-Phone Call

CHAPTER SUMMARY: Bella gets a phone call from the bad guy and in a over obvious cliche comes up with a stupid plan to go to him.

Bella wakes up in the hotel room again, insert description of her movements here. Then she sees Alice and Jasper awake and it turns out Alice has had another vision and for some reason it's of Bella's house (though she calls it her mother's house, weird, since I'm sure she lived there as well but whatever) and I have to say, I don't get how Alice had this vision at all because if you read the later on, THEY NEVER GO THERE. More evidence that these visions are crap.
Bella comes to the conclusion that the bad guy is there for her mother. Again, I wonder, how did the guy even FIND OUT about her mother? He didn't strike me as the kind to have access to human technology which is what it would take for him to find out about her mother, but I'm sure Meyer didn't think about that little detail. Like she didn't think about half of the nonsensical stuff going on in here. This is why you have to think when you're writing.
Well, Bella goes into hysterical mode again. Though at least this time it's a little bit more justified then the last time. Though she still manages to make it about herself:
"And what if you get hurt, Alice? Do you think that's okay with me? Do you
think it's only my human family he can hurt me with?"

From Twilight, page 425

I'm sure Meyer was trying to make this sound sweet and whatnot but considering Bella has spent little to no time with the rest of the Cullens, I think calling them family which is being implied here, is more then just a little bit of a stretch.
Jasper tries to calm her down with his gift, and oh look, Mary Sue can somehow withstand his gift. There really is nothing this girl can't do, isn't there? Never mind that Jasper was trying to help her, but no he's a big meanie for not letting her vent. She then proceeds to go to her room and sit and stare at the wall and rock back and forth. Because that is so much better then falling asleep. God, this girl is pathetic. I understand panicing when your mom is in danger, but at least do something while you're worrying and don't just sit there and worry about how it's going to make YOU feel if people get hurt.
Of course, since she knows Edward is coming, that is the only light in all of this. So she basically is going to wait until he comes. Sexist points for this, Meyer. You have made your Mary Sue the typical weepy, wait until my prince has come, princess stereotype. Congratulations. Of course, I know princesses (including Disney versions) who do more then Bella has done this whole book.
Then comes the phone call. At first it is Bella's mom who is frantic with worry and Bella rolls her eyes saying she tried to leave a message that wouldn't cause this panic. Um...let's look at the message Bella left, shall we?:
"Mom," I said after the beep, "it's me. Listen, I need you to do something.
It's important. As soon as you get this message, call me at this number." Alice
was already at my side, writing the number for me on the bottom of her picture.
I read it carefully, twice. "Please don't go anywhere until you talk to me.
Don't worry, I'm okay, but I have to talk to you right away, no matter how late
you get this call, all right? I love you, Mom. Bye."

From Twilight, page 421

Now, I am no parent, but were I one and my kid left me that message I would be pretty worried too. I would be thinking someone had died or something. So Bella's Mom is perfectly within her rights to be worried, Bella did not leave a message that would be "as unalarming as possible" and frankly, she is your mother Bella, she is going to worry no matter what message you leave. So once more, Bella is being kind of a bitch. To her own mother this time who is supposedly her "best friend".
But turns out that now, the bad guy is on the phone. Now, at this point, I'd be a little suspicious and would demand to talk to my mother again, but Bella does none of these things. She just does what the man who supposedly (really, she doesn't even ask for evidence!) has her mother. Now here, I admit, Meyer does a pretty good job and making the villian seem creepy and dangerous. Unfortunately, she doesn't back this up with good villianry because it basically is solved in one chapter. You'll see later.
So she repeats what the bad guy tells her too and basically fall right into her hands. This girl has clearly seen no thrillers/mysteries. You NEVER do what a kidnapper (or possible kidnapper in this case) tells you to do. You come up with an alternate plan to trick the guy and capture him in his own game. But no. Bella doesn't think of this. She immediately goes into martyr mode (bad and eye-roll worthy martyr mode) and does what he says. She leaves Edward a cliche letter and prepares to do what the man says without telling any of the others. Can we say stupid heroine?

WORD LIST: lethargy

BOOK THAT IS BETTER: The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
WHY IT IS BETTER: Well, other then the fact that Neil Gaiman is an awesome writer, this one actually has a decent and creepy villian. James? Total fail next to this guy. Actually, he's a total fail next to any villian including Sauron from Lord of the Rings and especially Lord Voldemort from Harry Potter.

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