Tuesday, January 19, 2010

NEW MOON: Chapter 2-Stitches

CHAPTER SUMMARY: Carlisle stitches Bella up, they talk. Edward and Bella go to her house, chat with Charlie, make out, Edward refuses to put out/I mean drink Bella's blood, and there is pouting on Bella's part and then she goes to sleep.

This was actually not a half bad chapter. Kind of boring, but there weren't any completely obvious grammer mistakes for a change (other then the overuse of dashes) and for once, no theosaurus words that made me roll my eyes. There were still annoyances in storytelling (Bella being one of them because I want to smack her on like every page), but Meyer, you've made actual progress it looks like. Keep it up!
Anyway, everyone freaks out except for Carlisle. Emmett and Roselie take Jasper away (with Roselie looking smug for some reason that is not named, other then for Meyer to apparently take the oppurtunity to point out once again that this girl is a bitch; in case we didn't get the picture already). Alice and Edward help Carlisle with Bella and there's this little exchange that kind of amuses and makes me annoyed at the same time:
"I'll stay," he said.
"Why are you so masochistic?" I mumbled
Bella to Edward in New Moon, Chapter 2

This amuses me because it points out something that I have been musing to myself. I think Edward IS slightly masochist. It makes me annoyed because Bella? Is kind of one too so she has no room to talk.
So, Alice and Edward then leave and it's just Carlisle and Bella with Carlisle assuring our Sue that it is not her fault of course (it's NEVER her fault, remember). Bella starts questioning Carlisle then. This is where we get to the slightly good part of this chapter because I'll admit it: I kind of like Carlisle. Not personality-wise (I find him to be a tad self-righteous) but character-potential wise. Because he seriously had the potential to be an awesome character if Meyer had bothered to focus on something other then Edward and Bella's "True Love". Come on, look at his back story: priest-guy turned vampire? Lived through many things, has to struggle with that and the vampire coven he's a part of...it just seriously makes me sad that such awesome character potential was wasted on Edward and Bella instead and not even spent wisely because the two of them stink in the character department.
But anyway, Carlisle talks about his past, which is basically Meyer reminding us of his past in case we've forgotten about it, and then there is some talk of religion and I have to say, I find this part, hard to believe:
"But never, in the nearly four hundred years now since was born, have I
ever seen anything to make me doubt whether God exists in some form or the

Carlisle, New Moon, Chapter 2

I'm sorry, this is CRAP. Meyer would have us believe that this man who has seen all the major wars (including American ones and world ones), the Holocaust, 9/11, the very VAMPIRES he's met, etc. has not ONCE questioned the existance of God? Please. Meyer, no ones faith is THAT absolute. Anyone who has said otherwise is probably lying through their teeth. For crying out loud, he was a clergyman WHO GOT TURNED INTO A VAMPIRE. Don't tell me that doesn't make someone question whether or not there is a God. But no, she wants Carlisle to be perfect, so of course, he has always believed in God. Never mind that there are people who struggle with their faith and come out stronger for it. This is an example of a huge character FAIL. Other then my beef with this, I do find this conversation interesting and am pleased that Meyer has actually brought it up in here, you don't find this talk in many vampire books. Sadly, it ends.
Afraid that we're talking about something other then Edward for a change, Meyer quickly brings it back from Carlisle and faith to Edward and how what he feels about this is what is keeping him from changing Bella (that selfish jerk) and then Carlisle starts talking about Edward's mother and how he found Edward. While I find the story to be a tad melodramatic/Lifetime of the movie weekish, it is kind of intriguing. It makes me wonder what Edward did before he was a vampire. I mean, were his parents rich or poor? Did he have lots of friends or was he always anti-social?
But rather then answer these actual interesting questions, Edward arrives to take Bella home. Boo. It was getting good for a moment there. She says her good-byes to Esme and Alice and they leave. There's this STUPID start of a conversation where I have to shake my head at Bella/Meyer's logic:
I cringed at his remoteness. "Tell me you forgive me."
From New Moon, Chapter 2

Seriously, any sane person would have realized by now it wasn't their fault. It was one of those things. But I've sort of come to the conclusion that Bella has a lot of pshycotic issues (dependency, martryism, bitchiness to name a few) so I'm really not that surprised at this. See, little things like this keep me from enjoying what would have otherwise been a decent chapter. I also find it ironic again that EDWARD is telling BELLA to quit being melodramatic. This from the guy who said in the last chapter he had thought of ways to commit suicide should Bella have died and all those times he tells Bella over and over again "I'm dangerous, stay away!"
Anyway, they get to Bella's house, she briefly says hi to Charlie (who doesn't even blink at her arm, I like Charlie and all but seriously this is BAD PARENTING; I'm not even a parent and I can tell you that), and then goes to her bedroom and she and Edward open the rest of her presents.
Turns out Esme and Carlisle got her PLANE TICKETS. That's a seriously extravagant gift to give to your son's first girlfriend. I know they have cash to burn and all, but really? Miss Manners on gifting would seriously be raising an eyebrow at this. Then it's time for Edward's gift and he got her a CD that he recorded that was of himself playing his own music. This is kind of romantic and kind of egotistical at the same time. But it is sweet and about the closest these two come to being an actual teenage couple so I'll let it go.
So, they make out (completely disgregarding Charlies rules there, way to respect your dad Bella; why is this girl considered a great role model again?); it becomes urgent and of course, Edward stops before they go too far. He leaves and Bella has a nagging feeling something is wrong. Dun. Dun. DUN. Sorry, had to put it there, because it seriously might as well be there.

WORD LIST: tourniquet


POSSIBLE EDITS: Alice was there.-This is not only a stupid sentence to start a paragraph with I'm not even sure if it can be considered a sentence, it looks like a fragment actually), but it's pointless and not necessary. Please cut from story entirely.
Carlisle's black bag was already on the table, a small but brilliant desk light plugged into the wall.-This should be split, as it makes no sense the way it was used. Instead there should be a period after table, and then it should say: a small, but brilliant, desk light was plugged into the wall.

GENERAL ANNOYANCES: Roselie, her devine face strangely smug-How can you be strangely smug? Anyone?
he nodded once and sprinted smoothly through the kitchen's back door.-How do you sprint smoothly through a door? Unless that door happens to be like the ones on the Enterprise or something. Plus, the way it's described I keep picturing Edward prancing girlishly.I'm going to call this bad description use. Although the image it gave me in my head was funny.

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