We open to Bella feeling miserable (again) and of course, Edward is still hot which doesn't help her mood. See, there is the problem with having a boyfriend who is hotter then you. You always look bad by comparison. Alice is not there as Bella notes, she is with Jasper of course. Bella acts bitchy the whole day, then there is random what the hell stuff with Bella daydreaming and coming up with random scenarios that make me go huh? I mean, seriously this girl has literally already planned out what she and Edward are going to do from now on. Without asking Edward. I'm sensing communication issues and serious denial issues on Bella's part.
Anyway during all this random daydreaming of how her life is going to be now, Bella has work. We are not told what that work is, only that she works in a store and works with Mike. Um...details Meyer? Is it a grocery store, a retail store, what? All of a sudden we're not getting vivid descriptions and this is something we actually need to know!
Well, Bella gets home...from wherever it is she works, and Edward and Charlie are hanging out on the couch watching sports because they are men, it is all they watch (more of that not-to-subtle sexism and stereotyping going on, this time aimed at men). Bella starts to take pictures all of a sudden appreciative of her gifts and starts to snap pictures. There's a kind of cute scene where she takes pictures of Charlie and Edward and they of her with two of them and so on. Edward leaves and it is suddenly the next morning (that's when you need paragraph breaks Meyer, just a tip). She brings her camera and for some reason can't be bothered to take pictures herself so she has her friends do it. Then gets annoyed when they get really into it:
A predictable picture war ensued. I watched them hand the camera around the table, giggling and flirting and complaining about being on film. It seemed strangely childish. Maybe I just wasn't in the mood for normal human behavior today.
From New Moon, Chapter 3
God, everytime I start to like Bella a bit, she goes back and acts like this and I want to smack her all over again. Enjoying LIFE is NOT childish Bella. Being HUMAN, is NOT childish Bella. GET. OVER. YOUR. SELF. Again, I'm sure this was Meyer's attempt to make it seem like this girl is super mature. Unfortunately it comes across as someone who is a snot.
Anyway, school ends again, and Bella somehow gets her pictures developed really quickly and is surprised at how hot Edward looks in his pictures. Never mind that he is a vampire without a soul, so he shouldn't appear in photoes to begin with but whatever. I also must roll my eyes because really, she sees Edward everyday, is always commenting on how hot he is, so why the hell is she so surprised he's hot in his pictures too? Has she never taken pictures before in her life or something?
Well, more school happens and Edward takes her home and they go for a walk. Where Edward drops the bomb: The Cullens are leaving.
For some moronic reason Bella thought Edward would be staying (WHY would she think that? I thought this girl was supposed to be smart?) and is now devasted that he's leaving too. I would feel sorry for her if I didn't think that a) it's about time something didn't go her way and b) I didn't like her and c) if she wasn't so damn overdramatic and kind of stupid about it.
First, it is pretty obvious that Edward doesn't mean what he says. He is doing it for her own good (or his emo self so he can angst; hard to tell with Edward sometimes). Second, as far as break ups go, this is not the most horrible one I've heard or read. He didn't cheat her nor she with him, he didn't viciously dumb her calling her ugly or anything, he didn't use her, and a bunch of other horrible things guys have done to girls (and vice versa in some cases) so really, I have a hard time being sympathetic. All he did was say the truth: the Cullens weren't going to be able to live there forever. It was going to happen sooner or later. Now, mind you he did not have to say he didn't want her. He could have just said they were a danger to her and left it at that. That was a bit of a jack ass move on Edward's part, but it was probably the only way he could think of to get the situation to sink in for Bella.
So, Edward is leaving and asks her not to do anything reckless or stupid (if you've watched the movie or read the book you know she ignores this later), and then exit stage right, Edward Cullen (sadly not for long).In fact, she pretty much starts right away. The minute he leaves, she starts walking in the forest. Without paying any attention to where she's going or trails or anything. Geez, they didn't walk far, she couldn't have just walked to her bedroom and cried like normal girls do after breakups? Oh wait, it's Bella. Never mind.
As if this wasn't dramatic enough, it starts to rain. Yeah. Then some guy named Sam Uley finds her because it turns out Charlie sent a search party after her. Wow. Fast work Charlie. He even has some doctor there named Dr. Gerandy and once again the readers are apparently supposed to know who this random character is. Evidently the whole town already knows the Cullens have left (again, fast work, didn't Edward just leave a few hours ago?). The La Push tribe is also being painted as heartless because they are happy that the Cullens are gone. To L.A. Oh Meyer, you cheeky little devil you ;rolls eyes;. As if this isn't harsh enough, Edward took his CD. Then, you remember in the table of contents those chapters labled as months? Yeah, turns out they are just pages with the months on them in capital letters. Not only do I feel severely cheated, I feel the need to explain to Meyer that a PAGE with ONE WORD does not qualify as a CHAPTER. I'm sure Meyer thought she was being brilliant, showing how Bella was basically catatonic during this time for FOUR MONTHS. Only because her BOYFRIEND LEFT. On one hand, it is kind of telling, on the other hand, it just drives home further how pathetic Bella is as a heroine.
POSSIBLE EDITS: ONE word is NOT A CHAPTER and therefore should NOT be on the table of contents.
GENERAL ANNOYANCES: There were so many questions I wanted to ask, but most of these questions would have to waint because they were for Alice. How as Jasper this morning? What had they said when I was gone? What had Roselie said? And most importantaly, what could she see happening now in her strange, imperfect visions of the future?-Whoa, whoa. What? Roselie is now the one who sees visions? Because from the wording of that paragraph that is what I got from that. It would have been smarter to leave the question about Roselie out because a) It's already covered in the what did they say question and b) it confuses the reader into thinking the next question is about Roselie.
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