Thursday, June 24, 2010

ECLIPSE: Chapter 19-Selfish

CHAPTER SUMMARY: Excitement is died down yet again as Meyer takes forever to get to the battle. Drama with the pack is discussed, Bella stands up for herself and feels guilty about it. The end.

If you, like me, were hoping that a chapter titled selfish meant Bella was going to wake up and realize she was being selfish, that Edward was a selfish guy, that pretty much everyone in this whole series is and I are sadly mistaken. Why? Lets get right into it.
We open with Bella waking up and a awkward conversation with Edward. See, he's upset that Bella lets Jacob and others give her presents but not him. Because you know, that's such a HUGE deal. But this doesn't make Bella wake up and think he's selfish (which he is) and not where Meyer gets it from (even though she should). Nope.
The conversation then turns to Bella and Edward discussing the pack and their drama. There are several things that bother me about this conversation but I'll start with numero uno: WHY ARE THEY DISCUSSING MATTERS THAT AREN'T THEIR BUSINESS? Something tells me, the pack would be less then happy that Edward is divulging all their secrets to Bella or even discussing them in the first place! They are not a part of the wolf pack, they have no reason to sit there and judge what is going on in the first place. But they do because this is Bella and Edward. They need to pass judgement on everyone you know?
I'll move on to the drama part of it. Turns out Leah Clearwater has somehow become a werewolf (once more, Meyer debunks her own cannon just for the sake of having something in there). Before all you feminists go yay about this, please know, her being a werewolf is treated as a HUGE burden by the pack. See, because she has the nerve to have feelings and such and is still hurt by Sam leaving her, that is throwing the pack off. They of course feel she's doing it deliberatly. So once again, a female who tries and breaks out of the female gender mold is made out to be a harpy.
Also some drama going about that Embry is born out of wedlock. It's all very horrible for him, because now it's apparently obvious (to these guys anyway, I don't see how it's obvious for anyone else) that because he's a werewolf, it means that whoever his mother slept with was married at the time and he's a half brother to one of the pack. The father of course, is not going to step forward and why should he? It's clearly the woman's fault. Sorry, but that's probably what Meyer is going to make it out to be.
But this isn't the selfish part either. No. The selfish part is when Bella decides she's going to go with Jasper's (actually pretty solid) plan of leading a fake trail and use herself as bait (gee, where have I seen this before? Oh yeah, THE FIRST TWO BOOKS. Get new ideas Meyer). Some of you may be confused as to why this is selfish. So am I but Bella explains. It's selfish because it means she's going against Edward's wishes of keeping her from harm....God I hate this series. Every time a woman (Bella usually) stands up for herself or shows some sort of independance. She is called selfish, or she's made out to be a harpy, or is made out to be some silly creature who doesn't know what she's saying. When her plans do work out, she generally ends up giving the males the credit. Just...UGH.
So then Alice shows up and there's unneeded filler with her and Bella convincing Charlie to let her stay with the Cullens. He caves of course. They arrive at the Cullens and they are training. Jacob shows up and it's all very civil. More Bella worrying and then the boring pointless chapter ends.

I swallowed noisily.-Just say she swallowed. Noisily is a pointless add on.

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