Friday, June 25, 2010

ECLIPSE: Chapter 22-Fire and Ice

CHAPTER SUMMARY: Edward and Jacob have a long talk about Bella. Everything's decided for her yet again. I'm super bored.

So in Meyer's effort to leave no cliche unturned in this series, Bella, Edward, and Jacob get stuck in a freezing storm as they leave a trail. So the three of them find shelter. Bella is naturally the freezing helpless female and the two guys are fine due to their natures.
The two guys argue until Jacob decides to share body heat. Edward doesn't like this naturally and argues against it, even STOPPING Jacob from doing it. You love this girl, right Edward? If you love her as much as you keep saying, then GET OVER YOURSELF and let the person who can help help her out. Edward does let him (so nice) and then he and Jacob still argue back and forth as she's in between them. Good lord. Were I Bella, I'd be telling them both to get over themselves by now but this naturally never crosses her mind. More pointless chatter about why Jacob's hair is longer when he's a wolf (one, this is pretty obvious, two-WHY DO WE CARE?). If this pointlessness isn't bad enough, Jacob is evidently having fantasies while Bella is shivering from the freezing cold. Wow, Meyer. You just have to make him into the world's biggest douche don't you? I get you're Team Edward but must you destroy the one character in this series that I actually can tolerate?
Basically the two argue about this and then it gets drawn into a conversation about Bella, WHILE SHE'S THERE. Honestly, they have this big heartfelt conversation about their feelings for this girl right in front of her, neither asking for her input. Just...what? Even stupider is the conversation doesn't really go anywhere. They don't suddenly become best buds. There's no major revelation. Nothing. SO WHY DO WE EVEN HAVE THIS CHAPTER? Stupid chapter ends with them falling asleep.

GENERAL ANNOYANCES: I shivered so hard it was a convulsion.-One, it was a convulsion is an unneeded add on. Two, it should be I shivered so hard, it was a convulsion.

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