Tuesday, June 29, 2010

ECLIPSE: Chapter 27-Needs

CHAPTER SUMMARY: Another pointless chapter really. I won't even bother summarizing it, it's that pointless.

We open with Bella driving home in tears (when is she NOT in tears?) over the situation with Jacob. But as always Edward is there to save his damsel in distress (really, was he following her, or what?) and lets her cry. Brief conversation with Charlie and then back to the room with Edward again. More boring conversation and yet MORE references to Whuthering Heights (getting a little desperate now, aren't we Meyer?) and annoying pointless scene cuts off with them going to see Alice.
Bad transition later and Alice is there and her usual flighty self. Somehow in the past day or two Alice managed to get her wedding dress. Of course, the dress is perfect. Somehow we get around to a conversation about how selfless Bella is being again in lettling Alice plan her wedding and going through with it. Yes, what an ordeal to sit back and let someone throw you a party. She is SUCH a good person (please note heavy sarcasm). Then suddenly we get a reverse of the "I want sex, NO!" scene. Now Edward starts things and Bella is suddenly all "nah, I don't need too.' Okay...I guess this is Meyer's way of showing us Bella has grown? Except...I don't see how this growth came about at all. Also, this is about the only growth she has had in THREE BOOKS. That's pretty bad. Bella's now all "no, I'm going to do this the right way and wait till marriage." Because you know, all people who have sex before marriage are sluts/doing it all wrong. Grr. Anyway, this is how it ends: Bella waiting and them getting married. It's all basically THE SAME WAY NEW MOON ENDED.

GENERAL ANNOYANCES: Pointless chapter is pointless.

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