Friday, June 25, 2010

ECLIPSE: Chapter 21-Trails

CHAPTER SUMMARY: Bella meets up with the wolves and there's mindless chatter as Meyer insists on dragging this book on and on and ON.

We open to Bella waking up. We get her thinking about her actions in the previous chapter (snore) and then we get Alice acting weird. We get yet more sexist junk, brought to you by Bella Swan:
The urge to fight must be a defining characteristic of the Y chromosome. They were all the same.
From Eclipse, Chapter 21

Not only is it sexist on the men and women's side, it's stereotyping/generalizing as well. Thank you Bella.
Goodbyes are said and she talks to Alice who begs her to throw a wedding party just so Alice can plan/decorate/throw it for her. More gender stereotyping. Yay. Some junk about her giving the ring back (why? She's marrying him, right? What the heck?) and then they meet up with Jacob to lay the trail. Lots of pointless, mindless chatter goes on.
Edward and Jacob talk like Bella is not there or has thoughts of her own yet again. Then we get more pointless chatter with Jacob. He makes a good point about Bella not really knowing anything else besides Edward therefore how does she know he's what she wants but of course, as it's coming from a jealous rival the good point is ignorable in Bella's view. Sigh.
More pity poor Bella scenes as she worries about others in what is Meyer's obvious attempt at making her Mary Sue look selfless and good. She starts talking with Jacob and now he becomes a Gary Stu because due to some weirdness he apparently can actually take over the pack. But of course, he doesn't want to so he lets Sam lead. I'm not sure why this information is relevent at all but something tells me that somewhere down the line Jacob takes over the pack. The two meet up with Edward again and boring pointless chapter ends.

WORD LIST: scuttling, unscrupulous
GENERAL ANNOYANCES: The sun was bright outside the window wall when I woke, with small clouds scuttling too quickly across the sky.-First, clouds can't scuttle. Scuttling implies there's feet and movement involved and hurried actions and that there's SOUND INVOLVED. Clouds don't do this. Second, why are we even getting this minor detail? Third, how to clouds move TOO QUICKLY? This whole sentence makes absolutely no sense and is pointless as well. Just say it was a cloudy day and move on.
Why is she dragging this on like this? JUST GET ON WITH IT.

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