Wednesday, June 9, 2010

ECLIPSE: Chapter 8-Temper

CHAPTER SUMMARY: This horrible series gets even MORE horrible. Bella and Jacob talk, Bella sees Edward and isn't mad at him any more and I'm STILL BORED.

Bella and Jacob wind up at the beach because Meyer is that unimaginative and Jacob is already a jerk and I'm wondering why Bella even went with him if she knew she was going to be ticked off at him for every little thing he did. Seriously, after saying they are at the beach she immediately mentions that he was full of himself and then a few sentences later she gets irritated again after a comment about Charlie liking him more:
Charlie's blatant preference for my Quileute friends was so unfair. I wondered if he would feel the same if he knew the choice was really between vampires and werewolves.
From Eclipse, Chapter 8

First, Charlie has every right to prefer them over the Cullens because as far as he knows, Jacob and his friends haven't put you in danger and Jacob didn't BREAK YOUR HEART AND LEAVE YOU COMOTOSE you utter brat. Second, why do you think he'll automatically choose the Cullens if he knew about what creatures they were? Vampires are just as dangerous as werewolves you idiot, in fact I think they would be MORE dangerous then werewolves so this comment is beyond stupid. Also, I don't see how it's unfair of Charlie when you clearly have a double standard that favors the Cullens so don't go whining about how CHARLIE is being the unfair one you hypocrite.
Well, Bella asks how the pack is doing and Jacob goes silent. Oh, something good went down. Turns out Quil imprinted. Which is Jacob later on which makes four. Meyer is breaking her own rules yet again just because it's convenient for her. Sigh.
Anyway, that isn't the big thing though. The girl Quil imprinted on? Emily's niece who is a TWO YEAR OLD. No, that is not a typo, he imprinted on a freaking TWO YEAR OLD. Just...process that for a minute will you? I'll wait because I'm still processing this and wondering how the hell people who read this series are a)still going around saying these books are so wonderful, and b)saying there's nothing wrong with this at all. Because on all those Twilight sites I've yet to see anyone out right state this is wrong. Some have even cooed about how sweet it is that Quil will wait for her to grow up. Just...WHAT? Now, if some sites have said so and I missed it, I apologize to you and say kudos because you appear to be the minority in the fandom.
This imprinting business stank enough when the girl (please also note, it's always a GIRL. No gay people seem to exist in this series) was adult and didn't get a say in the matter. Now Meyer is inflicting this on a TWO YEAR OLD. But, Jacob insists we shouldn't judge. Okay, yeah, I try not to judge people because what they do in their private lives is their business. But I will however judge Meyer because she is the one who is a) writing this, b) seems to see nothing wrong with the implications of this, and c) is telling other people, particularly young people, that this is perfectly acceptable.
For those who go on about how the girl does have a choice in the imprinting thing, she actually doesn't as the guy is going to be constantly around reminding her of the issue and then there's this lovely thing that Jacob says after Bella asks if Claire gets a choice in the matter:
"Of course. But why wouldn't she choose him, in the end? He'll be her perfect match. Like he was designed for her alone."
From Eclipse, Chapter 8

So yeah she gets the ILLUSION of choice but she'd be silly not to accept him and it's pretty clear to me that the pack will probably be telling her this as she's growing up. So really, it's not a choice for her and really not even a choice for Quil because I'm sure if given the chance he would prefer not to imprint and shackle himself to a TWO YEAR OLD. Just...God. I have to move on because this just boggles my mind too much.
Disturbing topic is treated like it's nothing though and Jacob and Bella quickly move on (for the movie's sake I hope they skip this part altogether but I have a feeling they won't). They talk and then drive their motorcycles (Bella's magically resurfaced on the beach somehow I guess) and then talk in the garage. Bella whines about Charlie and I'm getting a little sick of this bashing Charlie nonsense. All of a sudden Charlie is this guy who gets worked up about everything when in the previous books he actually seemed rather mellow to me. It's like his character did a complete one eighty. I know exactly who to blame: Meyer. She wanted Charlie to be the bad guy in this so she completely changed his character despite evidence in the other books that implies he's actually not this way. Sloppy writing yet again.
Conversation eventually turns to Edward yet again. They argue about it, yet again (this is what, second or third time? Find something new Meyer), and Jacob loses his temper (thus chapter title) yet again. He then says he'd rather see Bella dead then a vampire...Except when she's a vampire she technically IS dead...never mind. This greatly upsets her and she drives off back to her kidnappers-I mean, the Cullens.
She briefly talks to Alice and then goes up to see Edward and what do you know, she's not mad at him after all. Sigh. Meyer just can't write any sort of conflict between these two can she? Even though by all rights, there should be TONS of conflict. But conflict would imply their relationship isn't perfect (and thus NORMAL). It would also invite character growth and these characters are so perfect they don't NEED to change! Hah. Double Hah.
So instead of the much needed confrontation, Bella automatically forgives and they have a make-out session instead. Gag me. For some reason, Bella is miffed about the bed, I have no clue why. Then we once again get the "I want sex! No, Bella sex is too dangerous and since I'm such a gentleman I'm going to say no." Seriously Meyer, GET NEW SCENES. Also? A much better way of doing this is in the book Rampant by Diane Peterfreund. Giovanni was a much better gentleman about the sex thing then Edward ever was in these books. Granted, he had personal issues about it but still I got the sense he actually respected Astrid whereas here what I get is "You're a silly woman so I have to be a big strong man and protect you from your demon ways".
Then there's this stupid thing:
"I'm going to spontaneously combust one of these days-and you'll have no one but yourself to blame."
From Eclipse, Chapter 8

Wow, this a perfectly mature relationship. They should totally get married.
Then there's stupid apologizing and asking of the why should you be apologizing, I should be apolozing. Then what really kills me is that Bella seems to think EDWARD should be angry at HER. Um...WHAT? No, no, NO. This just...NO. EDWARD had YOU kidnapped you stupid bint! Why should you be worried about whether or not he's angry at you FOR RUNNING AWAY? Just...UGH.
But magically, Edward is okay with it and since he's the "perfect boyfriend" he's not going to yell. Never mind that he has no right to yell but whatever. It's so sweet that he's not mad, right? So all is forgiven and she cries to him about what a meanie Jacob was to her. Then for some reason Bella brings up the Denali family and Tanya...why is she even worried about this? So some vampire girl expressed interest? So? It's obvious it went no where so why do you even care? I don't know why it was brought up either because the conversation was dropped as soon as it was started in favor of snuggling and going to sleep in each other's arms, thus ending this very disturbing chapter.

WORD LIST: cavernous
GENERAL ANNOYANCES: Jacob was probably right, and that made me grind my teeth together.-Is it me or does Bella do this a LOT in this book? Seriously, so far she's mashed her teeth, ground her teeth, pursed her teeth and so on in about every chapter of this book. It's a wonder she doesn't suffer from tooth decay with all the teeth grinding she's doing.
He's seventeen, Jacob. And I get closer to nineteen every day.-Still doing the ageism thing I see and will you PLEASE stop trying to make Bella out to be the pedophile in this? For the last time, EDWARD IS OLDER THEN HER. Therefore HE is the pedophile.

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