Thursday, June 10, 2010

ECLIPSE: Chapter 9-Target

CHAPTER SUMMARY: Bella discovers her sweatshirt is missing and it's turned into a huge crisis....what?

We open to Bella's kidnappers dropping her off and she's mad at Jacob still and is mad at Charlie for not being mad at Jacob (yes, Charlie is yet again made out to be a jerk in this, I'm getting tired of this Meyer). Bella goes to do laundry and evidently she's the only one who does it in the house. Way to gender stereotype again, Meyer. Then she goes into her room to discover...her sweatshirt is gone. Dun. Dun. DUN. Sorry, but I had to put it in there.
Somehow Edward senses this (or he's being stalkery again) and is at the door and for some damn reason they think it's the VOLTURI. Um...a) Why would the Volturi care about Bella's shirt? and b)They're in ITALY and I thought they had short memory or whatever and wouldn't bother checking in on Bella? Edward immediately coming to this conclusion negates his passe attitude in New Moon, doesn't it?
We get more of Jerk!Charlie as I'm calling this new version of Charlie as the two leave and gather the up Emmett, Jasper, Esme, Carlisle, and Alice. Where Roselie is I don't know but apparently she's not important enough to be at this meeting despite the supposed bonding between the two in Chapter 7. Edward goes off unfairly into Alice and we get this lovely:
Carlisle interrupted in a calming voice. "It's not an exact science, Edward."
From Eclipse, Chapter 9

Yet, in the previous books we're told it IS. Meyer even says there's a method to it. No all of a sudden (because it's convenient for the author no doubt) it's actually not an exact science? For God sakes Meyer, make up your mind! Either there is a method to this or there isn't. Or you really are just making this stuff up as you go which is what I'm thinking is really going on which is fine, just don't sit there and try to tell me there actually is logic to all this when it's pretty clear there isn't.
There's a lot of the Cullens arguing back and forth and Bella shuddering helplessly. I'm sorry, what happened to that crap about her wanting to be equal? Just because she's not a vampire yet doesn't mean she can't state her opinion just as much as the Cullens. Of course, Bella takes the oppurtunity to go "turn me already!" and the Cullens are all no. Sigh.
Poor helpless kitten is brought home, she's a bitch to Charlie again after he says Jacob called and Edward sings her to sleep. Cut to next morning and Bella decided to forgive Jacob because you know she's such a decent person and Edward agrees cueing this stupid thing:
"I knew you'd forgive him," he said with an easy smile. "Holding grudges is not one of your many talents."
I rolled my eyes, but I was pleased. It seemed like Edward really was over the whole anti-werewolf thing.

From Eclipse, Chapter 9

Um...what? Where in that sentence did she get that Edward was over being a jerk to the werewolves? All I got was "yes, once again I was right." and that's about it. Sure, he's letting her call him but I didn't really get that he was now suddenly over being anti-werewolf and was all for them. Jeez, way to make a leap, Bella/Meyer.
So Bella calls Jacob and he gushes about how sorry he is (at least he apologizes which is more then I've seen either Bella or Edward do). Then Edward want to talk to him over the phone and the two have a conversation concerning Bella. Never once asking for her input I notice. Seriously they're all "we should do this and this and this, and Bella will go here and there and blah blah". Never once is she asked her opinion on the matter nor does she actually voice her opinion on the matter. So much for that being equals thing.
Well all the talking basically is that the vamps and werewolves are going to cooperate now that they have a common enemy. Jacob talks to Bella some more and yet another boring chapter ends. I'm still trying to figure out what everybody is freaking out over.

WORD LIST: slovenly
GENERAL ANNOYANCES: Charlie is once more being made out to be the bad guy and Bella is generally a brat to him in this chapter.

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