Sunday, April 4, 2010

NEW MOON: Chapter 17-Visitor

CHAPTER SUMMARY: Alice comes, she and Bella have girl time, and that's about it.

Another pointless long chapter brought to you by Meyer. Really, I've noticed a pattern with her books: she sets up the story and it's maybe interesting for like the first half of the book. But then she kills all interest by giving away the obvious storyline way to early, and then we get about five chapters of filler until all the stuff happens in the last two chapters and it's all settled really quickly so our lovers can say their declarations of love. Seriously, this book mirrors almost exactly the same pace and plot idea as Twilight, the only new thing is the werewolves and Jacob's involvement. Ten bucks says, Eclipse is going to be the same.
Well, anyway, the person in her house was Alice (que gasp here ;rolls eyes;) and Bella breaks down crying AGAIN when she sees her and they cuddle (in a total non-lesbian way, sorry men) and chat. I had to laugh out loud at this:
Alice sighed. "Id forgotten how exuberant you are," she said, and her tone was disapproving.
From New Moon, Chapter 17

First, what is so wrong with being exuberant? Second, Bella? Exuberant? I'm sorry, Alice has MET Bella, right? Definition of exuberant: filled with or characterized by a lively energy and excitement. Does that sound at all like Bella? No. Her emotion ranges from depressed, to semi-depressed, to sort of happy and then back to depressed again. She is NOT exuberant. Seriously Meyer, you do not know your characters AT ALL. Now ALICE may be described as exuberant (though she's not really in this chapter) but Bella? This is total and complete word use fail.
Okay, so turns out Alice saw Bella jump and calls her an idiot. I agree. Bella claims she wasn't commiting suicide to which I laugh at. Bella spills the beans to Alice about Jacob being a werewolf. Alice chides her for spending time with a werewolf and while she does make a valid point, it is more of that vampires are better then werewolves attitude. Because seriously, how hypocritical of Alice is it to say it's dangerous for Bella to be around Jacob but it's not dangerous for her to be around the Cullens?
More talking about stuff. Random moment when Jacob calls to check up on her and is an ass and hanges up as soon as she says she's okay. Alice starts to leave and we get more weepy and needy Bella (UGH) and Alice agrees to stay. More talk about what the Cullens are up too. Apparently they are all in a different place right now. I thought they all traveled together and went to high school over and over? That was the impression I got in Twilight anyway. But I guess not.
Charlie comes home, brief (really brief) moment is spared for Harry and his family, and then there is tense moment where Charlie sees Alice and relents and lets her stay. Bella goes to sleep.
She wakes up and overhears Charlie telling Alice what went on during the zombie period. Basically, Bella acted like a spoiled brat when her parents tried to help her and then just acted like a robot. Which we pretty much could have gotten ourselves so this whole thing is not needed. It just seems like Meyer just wants us to remember: Bella is in deep seated emotional pain. Which we kind of can't forget because Bella herself reminds us of at least twice a chapter. I also feel the need to point out again: IT WAS JUST A BREAK UP. What happened to Jennifer Anniston and Brad Pitt was more painful then this. But you didn't see Jen going into a comotose state for four months. Nope she went on to make a hit movie (see the Break Up, it's a much better written break up then this crap and it's hilarious).
So the moment stolen from a Lifetime original movie ends and then Bella finishes eavesdropping there is more talk about what the Cullens are up to. For some reason Carlisle and Esme are in Ithaca. Emmet and Roselie are on another honeymoon in Europe (um...didn't they just get back from a honeymoon in the beginning of this book? How many honeymoons do these guys HAVE?). Jasper is at Cornell and for some reason Edward is in South America. Okay, really random places here, what happened to sticking to places that had lots of rain and clouds? Cause um, Ithaca? Farm country. Lots of sun. How do they hide their sparkles?
We also conveniently get more backstory on Alice because she has been doing research with the info Bella got for her. After Alices backstory, we get paragraph break and then Charlie leaves in a suit to go...somewhere. It's never said. Bella plays good little housewife and for some reason Alice doesn't help, she just asks Bella what's been going on. Doorbell rings and Alice realizes it's Jacob and because she didn't see him in a vision she assumes that means she can't see werewolves. Or it could mean you know that his decision to come over wasn't really important so she didn't see it? But anyway, chapter ends with doorbell ringing again. Seriously, that's Meyer's cliffhanger: Jacob has come. Wow, that is bad suspense builder.

WORD LIST: egregious
GENERAL ANNOYANCES: I cried, as I slammed into her.-Umm, ouch. I thought you were happy to see her? Why are you tackling her?
I grimaced. "It was for recreational purposes only."-Yeah, cause there's really a recreational way to JUMP OFF A CLIFF INTO DANGEROUS WATERS. Give me a break Meyer. The casual way this woman is treating a suicide attempt is really annoying.

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