Sunday, April 11, 2010

NEW MOON: Chapter 23-The Truth

CHAPTER SUMMARY: Bella takes moron to a whole new level, she and Edward get back together (as if we didn't see that coming), and she gets miffed when he admits he's actually not going to bite her.

This chapter brings up two things that are huge issues with me. One is, what is the whole damn point of extending this series if really all you're going to do is drive home the same damn idea in Twilight: Edward and Bella are meant to be! It's true love! Blah, blah, blah. This book was mildly interesting when it appeared that perhaps things won't be perfect and that Bella will actually not get what she wants. But it's ruined because Meyer puts her characters right back into the same place they were at the end of Twilight. They are still obsessed with each other, still truely madly in love, and Bella maybe now will get her wish. So what was the whole damn point of breaking them up in the first place?
The second issue it brings up is that I think I now know the major problem with Twilight: EDWARD. When Edward wasn't around, this book was actually slightly bearable. I didn't hate Bella quite that much (she still annoyed the crap out of me and probably always will, but it wasn't to the extent of loathing I have felt for her these last few chapters) and Jacob was much more adorable (even though he's kind of an ass too, but at least with him his reasons for being an ass are kind of legit). Even the writing wasn't as bad because Meyer didn't use all these vivid descriptions to describe Jacob's abs or whatever. But the minute Edward appears again, BOOM. Back to the countless (and bad) descriptions, back to pathetic Bella (really, it's even worse now, I think) and just groan worthy behavior. I'd actually go as far as to say that being with Edward makes Bella WORSE then she already is (and dumber).
To illustrate this point I'm making, lets talk about the chapter. We open with Bella dreaming for the eighty millionth time even though the dream is fuzzy except for the angel in it (three guesses who ;rolls eyes;). Bella wakes up and is reluctant to let go of the dream but gasp! it wasn't a dream! Edward is there! But she's convinced she's still dreaming. UGH. This crap again. I haven't missed it and sadly since Edward is back, we are going to get more of it again. Sigh.
Even stupider, is Bella now thinks she actually did kill herself and starts going oh poor Charlie, Renee, and Jacob...except she didn't show much care for their feelings before so I have a hard time believing she would actually care about them when she was dead. Edward finally tells her she isn't dreaming (DUH) and then we get right into the boring dialogue.
First, Bella is mad about Charlie being mad at Edward. That jerk! Being mad at the guy who broke his daughters heart. How dare he ban Edward, never mind that it obviously isn't working because he's right there. The two of them have no explanation to give him either for why she went away for three days. Bella asks Edward what he's been doing. Then we get boring monologuing.
Edward then expresses apologies for not having figured out that Victoria would come after Bella and she of course says he has to stop living with all this guilt and I want to throw up. I also want to know why it's so important for HIM to be happy but not for HER to be? Time and time again this has been a theme in this series: make the man happy! That's what's important! It's irritating. Yes, making the person you love happy is important, but it shouldn't be at the sacrifice of your own happiness or feelings. I have yet to see the men be as concerned with the women's happiness in this book. I've certainly never seen Edward thinking of Bella's feelings at all other then checking to see if she's still obsessed with him which doesn't count.
If this wasn't bad enough, we get more confessions of what is pretty obvious: Edward still loves Bella and only did what he did to protect her. Cue cheesy romantic dialogue that even romance movie writers would roll thier eyes at.
Then we get the vivid description of them kissing (but not having sex!). More monologueing from Edward about stuff we've pretty much already figured out because the average reader is probably not as dumb as Bella. We get more talk of Edward and his feelings and Bella gets mad when she learns Edward was tracking Victoria. This is utterly wierd, because this is right in between their dialogue:
Charlie's distant snores stuttered, and then picked up a regular rhythm again.
From New Moon, Chapter 23

Um...a) How could she hear that all the way in her room, and b) Why is this even relevant? Seriously? Anyway, Bella scolds Edward and good lord, why is this girl so convinced that no one can take on Victoria? She is ONE VAMPIRE. Last book they all took out James easily enough and he was suposed to be this big huge bad so I don't know why she's so convinced they can't handle Victoria. It's stupid.
Then the talk turns to the Volturi and Bella is surprised that Edward isn't that worried. Then she's miffed to learn that Edward actually doesn't plan on turning her. Some crap about them actually never coming to check up on them...yeah...Edward. Someone is in denial. Anyway, Bella thinks this is horrible of Edward to not turn her into a vampire because then she'll get OLD and I want to yell at her for this:
"You do realize that I'll die eventually, right?" I demanded.
He'd thought about this part, too. "I'll follow after as soon as I can."
"That is seriously..." I looked for the right word. "Sick."

From New Moon, Chapter 23

WHAT? SICK? THAT'S the right word for what is actually quite sweet for a change on Edward's part? Excuse me, Miss Swan but I know plenty of human couples who have done this. My aunt and uncle for one. These guys were married for over sixty years then my Uncle died. My Aunt died a year later. How the hell is growing old and loving a person no matter their age SICK? God what a shallow bitch. I normally don't loathe literary characters but with Bella...I can't help it. I can not stand her. Stuff like this is why.
But instead Edward doesn't seem to think this is offensive (I know a few guys who if they made that statement and a girl said that, they would be offended and rightfully so) and tries to reason with her but Bella is having none of that nonsense and decides she's going to the Cullens and letting them decide. Has anyone else noticed that the only time Bella actually stands up for herself is when things don't go the way she wanted?

WORD LIST: genteel
POSSIBLE EDITS: Half the chapter as usual. The thing about Charlie's snores was also random and not needed.
GENERAL ANNOYANCES: Bella's stupidiy and shallowness
His eyes were sad. "Did you expect anything else?"
My eyes were mad.-Are you kidding me? First, eyes are part of a person and therefore can't feel emotion. This sounds like some demented kids rhyme.
I turned my thoughts to less painful avenues.-Brother...Just say she changed the subject Meyer.

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