Saturday, April 10, 2010

NEW MOON: Chapter 22-Flight

CHAPTER SUMMARY: We are back to the pointless chapters. Bella cries a lot, Edward holds her while she cries a lot, they go home, Bella forgives Roselie, Charlie is unfair yet again. The end. What is the point of this?

In the beginning, Bella pretty much just blubbers. Seriously it's all she does. Doesn't try and think about how maybe they could HELP the people, she just cries about how awful it is. While she's crying I'm going to take a moment to point out something wierd. Alice mentioned that there was very little crime in this town right? Well, about forty people go missing from a festival, I'm pretty sure that's going to be noticed and also assuming that it looks like the Volturi feed this way often well I'm pretty sure that this is noticed by police and missing people is called a CRIME. Another thing...the Volturi are suposed to make sure that their kind don't get noticed a lot right? Well...gee this woman is leading forty missing people to their death is kind of noticeable thing. More examples of Meyer contridicting herself.
Back to Bella crying, the group has to stay till dark so basically she has all day to cry. Bella then realizes the human receptionist knows what's going on and is appalled to learn she wants to be a vampire herself:
I shuddered. "How can she want that?" I whispered, more to myself than really looking for an answer. "How can she watch those people file through to that hideous room and want to be a part of that?"
From New Moon, Chapter 22

Um...gee Bella, who was it that just a few chapters ago said she probably would have still been in love with Edward even if he was a killer? Who, just a chapter before last was BEGGING TO BE A VAMPIRE? Oh yeah, YOU. Jacob was right on the money when he called this girl a hypocrite.
But naturally the people are forgotten because joy, rapture, she and Edward are back in each other's arms. But the stupid twat still doesn't actually believe Edward still wants anything to do with her romantically. Uh, honey, he's holding you while you cry; he was facing TORTURE for you last chapter. I'm sorry THIS GIRL IS DUMB. There's also this laughable statment:
Lucky Alice. She could trust her future.
From New Moon, Chapter 22

Except that a) her predictions aren't reliable at all and are actually kind of useless, and b) I believe it's been said that she can't see her own future? God, read your own story Meyer, please.
Well anyway, more description of being in Edward's arms and how wonderful it feels and how he couldn't possibly still want her yadda yadda then oh it's time to go!. For some reason going requires Alice to steal another car. Um...she lost the yellow car that fast? Also didn't Edward have one when he arrived? I mean how did he get there? Seriously, I'm beginning to think that Alice just has clepto tendencies.
Description of plane flight and how they pass the time and the Cullens are there to pick them up. All of them are of course super grateful to Bella. Then Roselie has to be forgiven and in more of Meyer's effort to show us how selfless her Mary-Sue is, she does. Then they drive Bella home and Charlie is there and he's super angry. Rightfully so.
He's also ticked at Edward, again, rightfully so. But of course Bella takes offense to this and tells him to cut it out and Edward carries her up to her room because she's so tired that she can't walk herself. God. Spare me. Where have I seen this before? Oh yeah, every other Harlequin romance novel except in those there was a legit reason for the woman to be carried to her room and it didn't reek of pathetic female needs strong man to take her home...okay, usually it was so the couple could have hot steamy sex. But still.

WORD LIST: None this chapter. Yay!
POSSIBLE EDITS: Entire chapter wasn't needed.
GENERAL ANNOYANCES: Bella's patheticness and hyprocritecy (if that's a word..;is not sure;)
Bright, harmless music tinkled from hidden speakers.-There's no such thing as harmless music, as there is no such thing as dangerous music unless you are those idiots in the sixties/seventies who tried to ban rock and roll.

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